COVID continues to impact our work-lives and even with the news of a vaccine getting closer, remote working feels like it’s here to stay.
I know from friends who work in the media, banking, tech and fashion that companies and their employees have had to adapt workflows and practices to maintain productivity throughout the pandemic. Agile working feels like it’s here to stay and, I don’t know about you, but this feels like the beginning of the end for the 9-5 office culture.
But what does this remote way of working mean for anyone trying to build their career ambitions or applying for a new job? How can you ensure you make an impact on your prospective new employer or course tutor if the interview is by phone, zoom or skype? Making a good first impression when you’re not able to meet face-to-face is vital and that is where portrait or headshot photography can play a critical role.
I have seen a growing trend of people in Amsterdam and The Netherlands, turning to portrait headshots to make them stand out from the crowd. Whether for your LinkedIn profile or a resume, having a quality headshot is now more important than ever. It used to be only corporate bosses had headshots and they were basic, boring and predictable. But, in the world of social media and online recruitment, the need to create your own personal brand or visual image is being embraced by many more people; from the young graduate hungry for the first step on the ladder to the entrepreneur with a cutting edge start-up who wants to make an impact with investors or the media. Let’s face it, image and photography is everything in the digital and COVID era.
I’ve been working with a number of individuals and companies on headshots since the start of the pandemic. It’s probably now my most requested picture type, reflecting this change to remote working as well as the challenging job market we’re facing right now.
So here’s 5 tips that I recommend, as a professional photographer, you think about when planning a headshot to boost your career:
Keep it natural: don’t wear too much make-up or dress up too smart. Let the pictures show some personality and the real you. Relax and enjoy the moment.
Take along some different outfits: You can use mix it up on linkedin and your resume to show different sides to you.
Use a mix of black and white and colour pictures: Black and white can convey a more serious side if you need to show that.
Don’t be afraid to use props: Movement and props can make a picture stand out. Just don’t make it too cheesy!
And finally, don’t use a friend with an iphone! Pay a professional photographer as the investment is definitely worth it. But of course I would say that! 😊
Good luck and if you are in Amsterdam or North Holland and want some advice on how to get the best headshot for you or your company, get in touch.